Operation bikini

“Operation Bikini”, a good opportunity to regain health and well-being for the whole year

Although maintaining well-being and health must be carried out throughout the year, at this time, just when we begin to get rid of our clothes, we are in a rush to lose weight and recover our lost silhouette. And it must be taken into account that rapid and circumstantial weight loss is harmful in the long run, as it facilitates the yo-yo effect, with successive weight losses and gains with loss of fat mass, but also muscle mass, as well as deterioration of the skin producing sagging and stretch marks.

We must forget about “miracle diets”, diets that ensure you lose 10 kilos in fifteen days, because they will quickly be recovered. Let's understand the concept of diet as healthy, sufficient and pleasant food that lasts over time. In the Doctors Lopez Clinic We advocate for recovering the benefits of traditional food, rationalizing what we eat, both in quantities and composition.

However, you can face the summer by improving the condition of the skin and preparing it for the hours of exposure, starting treatments that allow weight reduction and, above all, changing habits whose objectives are not to lose weight, but achieve global health, understanding as such self-acceptance, self-esteem and general well-being. In this way, welcome “Operation Bikini”.