
BodyTite allows us to reshape the "rebellious areas" of our body without surgical intervention

The buttocks, hips and abdomen are some of the "rebellious" areas of our body. On many occasions, for a quick and effective solution to remodel these areas, surgical interventions such as liposuction are used, which requires a more or less extensive rehabilitation period depending on the type of intervention. Not all people are willing to undergo surgical intervention - although both for results and safety, these interventions are absolutely recommended - to reduce fat or remodel a part of our body.

Here, precisely, is the innovation and importance of the BodyTite technology used by skin care professionals. Doctors López Clinic and that provides superior internal and external lipolysis with results that historically were only possible with surgical interventions. It is a minimally invasive body remodeling treatment that applies radiofrequency at a subdermal level in all planes of the dermis, subcutaneous tissue and deep fatty tissue, offering scar-free surgical results with minimal recovery time.

Powered by RFAL (radiofrequency assisted lipolysis) technology, all Bodytite handpieces feature an internal electrode located at the proximal end of a silicone-covered cannula that is inserted into the subcutaneous adipose tissue through a small incision, while the External electrode is placed above the skin. The radiofrequency is transmitted between the two electrodes, simultaneously aspirating the fat and immediately retraction of the skin.