digital dentistry

Digital dentistry can even design the patient's smile

Digital dentistry is today not only an advance in oral diagnosis and treatment, but also constitutes evidence of how new technologies are applied to dentistry, achieving surprising results, in addition to reducing costs for patients and risks in the treatments.

Digital dentistry is applied to different specialties and offers clear advantages even before starting treatment thanks to digital diagnostic tools, prior simulation (3D technology applied to impressions and images) and greater comfort and precision in the manufacturing of dental prostheses.

Diagnosis and treatment planning by 3D imaging, guided surgery or the use of Computer Aided Design (CAD) / Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) technology, with computer-guided design and manufacturing, provide greater precision and accuracy. Intraoral cameras, 2D and 3D radiology equipment, high-capacity and low-price computer systems (which facilitated surface scanning for 3D printing and volumetric scanning), as well as management and communication software with the patient, are also important. areas of development and technical evolution in this area.

Digital Dentistry is changing the paradigm of the current dental profession. At this time, dental professionals have very advanced software, based on artificial intelligence, that can even perform digital smile design of the patient if he so wishes.