Next May 11th Doctors López Clinic will open its doors under the strictest security regulations established by the Ministry of Health and expanded with the protocols recommended by the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine (SEME), specific for the Aesthetic Medicine clinics. These medical centers are included in the first level (of the 4 established levels) of the “Plan for the Transition towards a new normality”, specifically in the heading “opening of establishments by appointment for personal care”. The Dr. María del Carmen López, director of the Doctors Lopez Clinic, commented that “our clinic has been working for weeks on the adaptation of the protocols, on the training of the staff for their implementation and on the adaptation of the clinic to give all the guarantees to the clients who are already requesting an appointment. In our instalations".
The protocol of the SEME and that applies the Doctors López Clinic, has been developed in collaboration with the regional associations of Aesthetic Medicine and has the consensus of other scientific societies in the sector such as the Spanish Society of Surgical Medical Lasers (SELMQ), theSpanish Society of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery (SECPRE) and the General Council of Dentists of Spain. And of course following the guidelines set by the WHO and the Spanish Ministry of Health.