32nd edition SEME

Success of the 32nd Edition of the National Congress of the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine (SEME)

The 32nd National Congress of the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine (SEME), which was held in Malaga, from February 16 to 18, 2017, has been a resounding success in terms of participation and scientific level.

Aesthetic medicine has consolidated its greater scientific maturity in recent years, since it has a large number of techniques, and increasingly more bibliography and scientific evidence. In this edition, a comparison of techniques has been addressed, for the same indications, and for this there were high-level national and international speakers, who shared their experiences. There was also a session dedicated entirely to Aesthetic Medicine in cancer patients, where oncologists and aesthetic doctors presented how the quality of life of patients can be improved during this difficult stage. In the last session of the congress, any doubts that arose will be resolved by “asking the expert.”

Doctors López at the 32nd SEME Congress

Dr. Mª Carmen López Marín, President of the Local Committee, and Doctor Juan Antonio López López-Pitalúa, as member of the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine, both from Clínica Doctores López, were protagonists in it.

In the image you can see Dr. López López next to the Mayor of Málaga, Don Francisco de la Torre Prados; Dr. Petra Vega, President of SEME; the President of the College of Physicians, Dr. Juan José Sánchez Luque; the Dean of the University of Medicine of Malaga, Don Pablo José Lara Muñoz; the General Director of Professional Health Organization, Mr. Carlos Jesús Moreno Sánchez.