The Doctors López Clinic has held two webinars, on April 27 on “Tips and instructions to combat weight gain during confinement”, taught by the Dr. María del Carmen López; and on May 4th about “Lips, the most attractive thing on our face. How to enhance its”, made by the Dr. Juan Antonio López-Pitalúa. Clients of the clinic and people interested in learning a little more about treatments to reduce weight and enhance the beauty of the lips participated in both webinars.
The Dr. María del Carmen López He pointed out that “the confinement has triggered the concern of many people about their condition, with food being one of the issues that has raised the most interest. For this reason we wanted to respond to this unease with the organization of these online events.” He also commented that, on the other hand, “we are already close to the end of this state of alarm - that's how we want to think about it - and it is necessary for everyone to start looking after our mental and physical health. Feeling good, beautiful and handsome, is undoubtedly an essential vitamin to face the difficult path that we are going to face shortly.”