Population and aesthetic medicine SEME

Almost half of the Spanish population has undergone some aesthetic medicine treatment

According to data from the reportPerception and use of aesthetic medicine in Spain 2023' a 46,6% of the Spanish population has undergone some type of aesthetic medicine treatment.

This report has been presented within the framework of the 39th National Congress of the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine celebrated on Malaga last February. Being one of the most representative at a national level in the field of aesthetic medicine, since it is made up of a sample of 1051 respondents in all Spain.

Almost half of the Spanish population has undergone some aesthetic medicine treatment
Photo: seme.org

An x-ray of the patients

Regarding the profile of patients who have undergone some treatment, it stands out that the 69% are women and 31% are men. Women between 35 and 54 years old are the most demanding of these treatments.

Some interesting data that emerge from this report is that There are more and more young people and more people over 45. A 14-20% is 16 to 25 years old and a 28-38% is over 45 years old.

This year the average age increases, which in the previous report was 39 years, to 45 years. In short, the percentage by age is distributed as follows:

16 to 25 years: 20%

25 to 34 years: 21%

35 to 45 years: 21%

Over 45 years: 38%

The most popular aesthetic treatments

The report also extracts the five aesthetic medicine treatments most requested by the population. 

At the top is treatment with IPL (intense pulsed light), followed by fillers with hyaluronic acidmesotherapythe PRP (platelet-rich plasma) and the toxin