localized adiposities

Localized Adiposities

Known as “localized fat” are those deposits or accumulations of fat cells or adipocytes, normal in their form and function, in a certain area of the body contour, causing a consequent local increase in volume and a loss of harmony.

They are characterized by being resistant to rigorous diets and physical activity programs.

There are multiple factors that can predispose the accumulation of localized fat, either in isolation or associated with overweight or obesity.

– Hereditary Factors: heredity can predispose to the development of these deposits in the abdomen and trunk.

– Genetic Factors: the male sex predisposes to the development of fat deposits in the abdominal area, with a greater associated cardiovascular risk.

– Acquired factors: they mainly include dietary factors, endocrine factors (mainly related to hypothyroidism or polycystic ovary syndrome), pharmacological factors (such as estrogens or corticosteroids); sedentary lifestyle, lifestyle habits, etc…

The distribution can be:

– Central or abdominal adiposity: it is more common in men and postmenopausal women. This is on the abdomen and flanks and is the so-called apple arrangement.

– Peripheral or gynoid adiposity: fat is preferentially deposited in the hips and buttocks. It is called “pear” shaped. It can be associated with cellulite.

In most cases, the treatment of choice is usually liposculpture or liposuction (lipolaser), which allows for lasting volume reduction.

In addition, a series of tools are available that can help the patient. It is always essential to start treatment with diet and a change in lifestyle habits and exercise.

Can be used:

Mesotherapy: through the administration of substances with a lipolytic effect

– Carboxytherapy: administration of carbon dioxide

– Focused ultrasound (HIFU)

– Cavitation