39 National SEME Aesthetic Medicine Congress
#Nosinmedical | Photo: seme.org

The danger of intrusion in aesthetic medicine: #NOsintumedico

One of the great dangers that aesthetic medicine faces today is the high percentage of intrusion, caused in part by the general ignorance of the population.

These are the general conclusions drawn from the report 'Perception and use of Aesthetic Medicine in Spain 2023' which has been presented within the framework of the recent 39th National Congress of the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine held on February 22, 23 and 24 in Malaga, where the initiative was shown #NOsinmedical based on these data.

This report has been carried out with a sample that covers some 1500 surveys to people from all over the Spanish national territory.

The danger of intrusion in aesthetic medicine: #NOsintumedico

Data on aesthetic medicine and intrusion

One of the most alarming data is the one that refers to the places where the population believes that these aesthetic medicine treatments should be performed. A 28% of those asked answers “other places”, in which they highlight hair salons and homes themselves, where a 10% of those consulted consider it normal to do them.

Furthermore, a 6% of these respondents affirm not knowing who is in charge of carrying out these treatments and they don't ask about it either. 

These data are very serious, since, on the one hand, they put the health and safety of the patient at risk, as well as the effectiveness of the results. And on the other hand, it can affect the credibility and reputation of the true aesthetic medicine professionals. 

That is why the Doctor Juan Antonio López, President of SEME and professional Doctors Lopez Clinic, has pointed out within the 39th National Congress: We present the initiative #NOsinmedical, with the aim that the more than 2,500 attending doctors use it in their Aesthetic Medicine communications and inform their patients, as well as the rest of the actors who have a key role in raising awareness among the population: institutions, industry and the media ”